1.The snacks in the snack box have at least 2 months to expire.If you cannot accept snacks that are about to expire, please do not place an order.
2.Although the price is so cheap, we still give you free shipping (our activity is only for word-of-mouth)UK only
3..The pictures are for reference only, because we are too lazy to draw pictures
This box contains 59 items of various snacks from all over the world
Black Cherry Chocolate Pepsi from Japan*5
Twix milkshakes from the UK*5
extremely rare slushy skittles from Australia*5
black pink Oreo from Thailand*2
extremely large KFC lays bags from Germany *3
white peach Fanta from Japan*4
Australian bagged caramel filled chocolate*6
chocolatey Cadbury Sticky Pudds brownies from the UK*4
Lay’s Ribeye Steak Truffle from Taiwan*4
Pizza Hut Lay’s from Germany*4
chocolate filled baked doughnuts from Japan*16
one bag of the skittle desserts from the UK
£4and free shipping! What are you waiting for?

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